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A multipurpose autonomous mobility solution, designed as an extension to airports.

Vehicle design | Blender | 3D Renders

Self Initiated Project

Year: 2021


Automotive Design Challenge 2021



As per recent forecasts by India Brand Equity Foundation, the civil aviation industry in India would become the third-largest air passenger market by 2024. With the continued economic expansion, it is believed that India’s air traffic will double by 2030 from pre-COVID days. 


Additionally, e-commerce has changed the way we shop and has further reduced customers’ wait times. The steady ascendancy of e-commerce will lead to a massive demand for air cargo in the coming years. This means that

1. More and more people will be traveling to airports
2. Smaller suppliers/manufacturers will use air cargo services for quick delivery cycles

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Two screens are integrated in the front, Primary and Secondary. The primary screen communicates and relays information (like destination, trip status, etc.) with pedestrians and onboarding passengers in words. While the secondary screen displays symbols for quick and effective communication.

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