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Hi, I am Aakash Mangla, a mobility and experience designer

A perfect day for me involves crafting mobility experiences that make life easier for people

...and maybe imagining how I could be like Batman ( •̀ ω •́ )

Hand-picked Collection

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Enabling teenagers with autism to travel independently with a user-friendly UX for a car

Winner: Young Designers Award 2022
Keywords: Autism | UX | User Research
Year: 2021

Artboard 2.png

Enabling teenagers with autism to travel independently with an autonomouss

Winner: Young Designers Award 2022
Keywords: Autism | UX | User Research
Year: 2021

Project CoversArtboard 2.jpg

A systems thinking approach to uncover the transportation needs of the Visakhapatnam city

Sponsor: Arrival, UK
Publication: RSD11 Symposium hosted by the University of Brighton
Keywords: System Research and analysis | Research Design
Year: 2022

Project CoversArtboard 2.jpg
Project CoversArtboard 14.jpg

A user-centric design solution for everyday mobility needs of farmers in India

Sponsor: OLA Electric
Keywords: Rural Innovation | Mobility | Sketching
Year: 2023

An optimistic perspective on the prospects of immigrants in Japan to solve social issues posed by aging population

Winner: Special Jury Award, APEV Design Challenge
Keywords: Service Design | Future Speculation | Design Research
Year: 2022

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